Belgian keyboard comma or period
Belgian keyboard comma or period

In the Windows linguistic settings, I added a second language (I chose French, Canada, I changed the keyboard to take the Azerty keyboard, and in the special regional settings, I changed the numeric symbol, and the comma to dot monetary symbol.

belgian keyboard comma or period belgian keyboard comma or period

I found a “DIY” solution to have the point of the numeric keypad (Windows 10, Azerty keyboard, “Belgian” numeric keypad with comma. Hello everyone, and thank you to ANSSI for its quick response. Mais effectivement, cela me met un point dans toutes mes applications standard, sauf dans libre office qui continue à mettre une virgule… J’écris ce post volontairement en Français, avec traduction “automatique” ci-dessous, pour mes collègues francophones. Lorsque je travaille avec Sketchup, je sélectionne ce clavier francais canada, et hop le tour est joué. Dans les paramètres linguistiques de windows, j’ai ajouté une seconde langue (j’ai choisi Français, canada, j’ai modifié le clavier pour prendre le clavier Azerty, et dans les paramètres spéciaux régionaux, j’ai modifié le symbole numérique, et le symbole monétaire de virgule vers le point. J’ai trouvé une solution “bricolée” pour disposer du point du pavé numérique (Windows 10, clavier Azerty, pavé numérique “belge” avec virgule.

  • It doesn´t matter version of windows I have, since I tried W7, W8 and W10 with different SP and same resultīonjour à tous, et merci à ANSSI pour sa réponse rapide.
  • It doesn’t matter what my SU version is… they all act the same since the last 5 versions at least.
  • However, it shouldn’t be this the solution.
  • Before I posted this comment, I have searched for solutions in this forum and the solution is to change the OS configuration.
  • Not able to use SU in same way and I use the numpad a lot for sizing objects in SU. I enter 99 (hit the dot in the numpad) and 9 again and the application takes 99,9 (note the comma instead the dot) I change the OS to be configure for Europe (i.e Spain, Argentina) Open application (ie. I enter for instance 99 (hit the dot in the num pad) and 9 again. I set OS config for US (language, region, and keyboard) / I open an application (any) Simple example with the calculator (but I have tried other apps such excel and third parties)

    belgian keyboard comma or period

    However, for SU the dot in the numpad it is always a dot, regardless of OS settings. It will allways be used as decimal point/comma separator. I usually work in USA and Europe/South America and the dot is used as comma and vice versa to represent decimal point (comma) or thousands separator depending the country where you are.Īll the software that I have installed, takes the input of the dot in the number pad, and according to the region settings, it will invoke the corresponding comma or dot depending on the region.

    Belgian keyboard comma or period